39+ weeks pregnant

January 28, 2009

I am technically not “due” for another week almost, but i am done. Officially done.

Please pray for a quick, safe and effectively labor and delivery process. I would love to have our son any day now. Its getting rough on an expectant mom over here.


Abby Rose

Here are a special treat for you. for my 36 week pics, i decided we’d use the super great pictues we took on saturday instead of the normal snapshots. Courtest of LauRen Olver.


tummy kisses peekabo kissing pink top together peek a boo

35 weeks pics :)

January 6, 2009

we are actually, and officially, 9 months pregnant, but i have last weeks pics ready to go, so here you are. Enjoy 🙂


35 wk belly 35wk full

we’re on the way :)

January 6, 2009

doctors appointment went well today. we are 1cm dialated and 50% effaced. WOO HOO. this means our son is planning his exit!

Please Pray for my husband

January 2, 2009

He is approaching 5 days now of stomach issues. cramping, nausea, plenty of trips to the bathroom and just plain out feeling like he’s going to keel over any second now.

Please pray for healing.